
Monday, June 17, 2024

What makes a good teacher?

We all watch Youtube videos and other lessons by professional art teachers nowadays. But what makes a teacher a GOOD teacher? In my opinion, a good teacher makes you want to fetch your pencil and paints after a few minutes while watching the video. For me, Toni Burt is a master doing this - I´m not able to watch one of her videos without grabbing my pencil and watercolours and follow her instructions. I especially love that my results always look like my own designs and not hers. I´d call this a teacher´s super power.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Nick Bantock inspired ATCs

This set of Nick Bantock inspired ATCs for a swap was made using collage and rubber stamping.

Sunday, June 09, 2024


This week´s theme for the Sunday Postcard Art challenge is "Octopus". Here´s my underwater world made with stamps from Hampton Art, Klartext, and Darkroom Door.

Saturday, June 08, 2024

How Does Your Garden Grow?

My ATC and card for this month´s Visible Image ATC swap themed "How does your garden grow?" arrived safely in the UK this week.

Sunday, June 02, 2024

The God of Triangles

If the triangles made a God, they would give him three sides.
This Montesquieu quote was the inspiration for my card for this week´s Sunday Postcard Art challenge themed "Geometric Shapes".
I´ve used magazine scraps, torn into triangle shapes, gessoed, watercoloured, and stamped with a stamp from Cavallini.