When I read this week´s theme for the Sunday Postcard Art challenge is Grunge, two things came to my mind: Grunge music from the ninetees (which I still love) and grunge stamping techniques (that I also love as a messy stamper). So I decided to combine them, and here´s the result, a tribute card to Kurt Cobain from Nirvana. Smells like Teen Spirit is still on my playlist, and if you look closely, you´ll spy the words "große Wut in sich aufsteigen ... schmeißen möchten" and "etwas abgespannt" on the book page scraps which mean a big rage coming up and wanting to throw something anywhere and feeling exhausted. It´s like found poetry as these have been on my desk waiting for this theme, they seemed so appropriate.
The stamps I´ve used are from Stempelbar and Visible Image.