
Sunday, February 16, 2025

Just Me

This week´s Sunday Postcard Art challenge theme is "Add Wings & A Crown". It beamed me quite a few years back when adding wings and crowns was en vogue. As the times they are a-changing (sorry, Bob), I thought that my card should be more modern and yes, more personal.

No angel, no princess, just me. 

There´s one thing in my life that I´m still struggling with, and it´s prejudices and projections other people have about you. This is something you can´t fight against. Other people don´t see YOU but they only see what they want to see, and they´re dealing with you disregarding who you really are. This happens every day, and sometimes it doesn´t matter, but sometimes it ruins your whole life and makes you feel very lonely. I think it´s the hardest thing I´ve found out in my whole life. You have no chance to tell people who you really are if they don´t want to see you. It´s true what Goethe said:  A person hears only what they understand.


peggy gatto said...

what you said is sometimes true, the difference is are you responding or reacting, makes a difference
Love the card!!!

Deann said...

A wonderful card and a fun original challenge, Thanks.
I love your words and I understand what your saying. I have found I can't control anyone but myself so I try to be kind to everyone. How others feel about me is their problem. Getting to interact with you and the other ladies on my blog makes me happy.

Michele said...

this art card is stunning and i deeply appreciate your words. xo

Gillena Cox said...

Nice one
Happy Sunday


Sandra Wright. said...

A wonderful postcard, I can relate to how people only see what they want to see. So many never bother to find the real person. Over time I have found it doesn't really matter what others think or feel about me, I know the real me and I like me. Thank you so much for joining in with my theme x

Rika said...

Tolle Karte!

Barb said...

I try not to think about how others see me, but of course, that's impossible. I've finally realized, very late in life, that I like myself, and that's all that matters. Hopefully, other people like me, too, but if they don't, it's because they've brought their own histories and prejudices with them and I can't change them. I can only chose not to be around them. Very deep subject... It's amazing how art often does that, isn't it... Thanks for being so thoughtful, love your artwork!

Aimeslee Winans said...

Hi Marion. First, your card is lovely and I like the elements you chose to stamp. Secondly, I've known you online for quite a few years and I would love to either set those people straight or screw them over for making you feel like they ruined your life! Damn them! If I was on the same continent, I'd have your back! I read a quote lately that is really hard for me to follow but I try: "What other people think of me is none of my beezwax." It's always been something I fretted over all my life, but truthfully you just cannot force others to have common sense or empathy. You are top drawer in my book! XOX

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Fantastic art piece. I have found that many of the people who claim to be "tolerant" and say that "diversity is our strength" are actually the most intolerant people there are, and they vilify anyone whose opinions don't agree with their own.

Cindy McMath said...

A beautiful card Marion!! May you find your people and be able to give the ones who aren’t the attention they deserve (none). Xo