
Wednesday, April 04, 2007


This week´s Wednesday Stampers´ theme is "Envelopes". Though I´m not someone who sends cards too late, I always want them to be in the mail as soon as possible - so I don´t embellish my envies very often. And some people told me that their embellished envies got lost in the mail more often than plain ones ... but I have received some very beautiful envelopes which I treasure in the same albums as the ATCs or cards sent to me.


Paula Whittaker said...

Love this...the colours are fab

gaby braun said...

This is a lovely piece!

moi said...

This is great; I love to see the envelope in the mailbox all painted up. I understand they can go missing because they look so enticing, but I can't stop myself and hope for the good in people.

Anonymous said...


deb said...


Gillian said...

Oh this is GORGEOUS!!!..

Anonymous said...

Great work - quirky and stylish!

Anonymous said...

sieht super aus dein schnelle umschlag :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Fabulous colours.. they work really well together. Love it.

Maggie Ann said...

This is a beauty!

Dymphie said...

I love your winged envelope lady, beautiful work

Anonymous said...

beautiful work, love it !

Anonymous said...

Awesome colors and i love how you did the person around the label :o)

Anonymous said...

gefällt mir richtig gut! Ich würd mich abr nicht trauen so schöne Umschläge zu verschicken, es kommt ja so schon zu viel nicht an....

rammsteinchen said...

toller Umschlag gefällt mir ;-)

x said...

Superschön geworden, gefällt mir prima. ;)

Wendy - Anntaurus said...

Great envelope - so artistically put together.

Apollox said...

Oh klasse Teil, so schön zettig, gefällt mir sehr gut!

Anonymous said...

Tolle Idee mit den Flügeln am Adressfeld. Die Farben gefallen mir auch sehr gut.

joanne wardle said...

love this, it's fun

Sarah said...

Love your envelope x