
Sunday, November 11, 2007

Gothic Arch Text

Have you ever gone to bed hoping that all the words and thoughts in your head will come to a rest? This is the idea behind my entry for this week´s Gothic Arch challenge "Text". I love the quoted words by Joan Walsh Anglund which I have recently illustrated in my journal you can see here.


Dymphie said...

Precious! Lovely saying, images and colours.

ute said...

toller Gotikbogen, deine Sprüche sind so schön

Anonymous said...

oh ja, das kenne ich- das nächste Mal verpasse ich den rastlosen Gedanken Flügel :) Wunderschöner Bogen!

Rika said...

Wunderschön, klasse Farben!

Angelina said...


Barbara said...

Really pretty.

Femmy said...

Wonderful arch!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful arch !!

Audrey said...

Wonderful arch!

carylsrealm said...

this is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Wow ich finde Deinen Bogen wunderschöööööööööön.

Hermine said...

Beautiful, love the saying.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quote, and beautifully done! Love the softness of the background!

Gillian .... said...

Lovely serene feel to this arch:)

Gillian said...

Oh so Beautiful!
I love the quote, and the beautiful dreamy feel too your arch, everything works perfectly together!

Lisa Renéa said...

Beautiful colors and images! Lovely arch.

Karen Owen said...

Marion, I love this piece and your quote. I know exactly what you mean - I often lie awake unable to quiet those voices in my head.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I know what you mean - and I love your interpretatio of the theme - wonderful arch!!!

Anonymous said...

Ganz lieb. Sehr schön gemacht.

Sija said...

Beautiful arch!

Vintage Papers said...

stunning work! I love the composition!!

Anonymous said...

Eine schöne Idee.

Debby said...

Great composition.
