Not one of their best songs, but it immediately came to my mind when I read the theme, and here´s my hip business man on his way to the office ...
Sorry, my scanner hates these colours so I had to take a photo - please click on the pic to enlarge it and take a closer look.
WOW I like a lot!!
gefällt mir total gut, v.a. auch das quadratische loch fürs herz:)
Tolle Umsetzung, gefällt mir sehr gut!
Tolle Karte, super Idee.
i like its beautiful
Voll scharf, Marion! Sieht super aus!
Perhaps your scanner doesn't like the colours but I certainly do. It's a great card.
Looks great!!
Wonderful and funny card!
very nice!
Wonderful card!
It's a very great hip business man!! Love him.
mag diese paperbag stempel sehr gerne.klasse kreation,Marion!
gefällt mir sehr gut!
Love this! So creative...great sentiment, too!
Marion die Karte ist ja supercool - gefällt mir wahnsinnig gut!
Super card and so original, love both the idea and the execution!!
Marion, this is such a creative interpretation of the theme. I love the funky businessman!
He's so square, he's hip! I'm always filled with joy by your artwork! Superb!
Your piece is FABULOUS! I love your hip-square guy!! LOVE IT!!
this is very hip! =)
Brilliant interpretation of the theme. He is very Hip.
Love your take on square, I too thought of the song, you interpreted it SO well!!!
fabulous, really original
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