
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Travel around the world: Prague

Did you know that I´ve been thinking of studying history 25 years ago? Well, I´ve chosen other subjects then, but I´ve always been interested in history ... so my Prague card is a bloody one, showing two important events that happened in Prague: In 1618, the Thirty Years´ War started with the Defenestration of Prague, and in 1968 mechanized infantry combat vehicles have set an end to the Prague Spring.
As a lover of literature, I prefer thinking of Franz Kafka when it comes to Prague! In the upper left corner you can see the beginning of his letter to his father, and the big red K is for Mr Josef K. of course ...
This card goes to Kati.


Anonymous said...

mensch marion - deine prag-karte ist einfach nur GROSSARTIG. kurbelt die kleinen grauen zellen an, lässt altes schul- und geschichtswissen wieder hervorkommen. da ist alles DRIN und alles DRAUF - grandios!!!

ute said...

soooo viele tolle details, wunderschön geworden, gefällt mir sehr
da freue ich mich gleich noch mehr auf meinen pragausflug

Emily said...

Prague and history are two things worth being familiar with, I think! I love the idea of the card traveling around . . . let me know if you want me to send you one and I will.

Hélène said...


Emily said...

so some cards means to me however many you want! I don't keep score or count, and I love just being easy about trading.
so when I am home, I will hopefully remember to e-mail you again to ask for your snail mail address and I will just send you some.
when you are ready to mail to me, just e-mail and ask for my snail mail and I will send it.
happy card making!

Kati said...

Hallo Marion - deine wunderschöne Prag-Karte hat mich erreicht - ich find sie einfach spitze und danke dir sehr dafür.
Danke auch für die extra-Moos.
Liebe Grüße