
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Alice in Wonderland

As "Alice in Wonderland" is today´s Wednesday Stamper´s challenge, I´ve made my first four ATCs for my sister´s upcoming Alice ATC swap today - maybe I´ll make some more because I haven´t used all my Alice stamps yet :-)


~*~Patty Szymkowicz said...

You have some amazing Alice stamps Marion!
Love all of your cards!

Anonymous said...

fantastic ATC's! love all of them

Daphne said...

Lovely atc''s
They fit all well together with colours etc!

Lorraine said...

really great ATCs marion

Barbara said...

oh, wow, realy fantastic.
LG Babsi

Gabi MeWi said...

Ich kann mich nicht entscheiden welches ich am schönsten finde - ich nehme sie einfach alle :-))).
LG, gabi

Char said...

All of these ATCs are fabulous.

Clau said...

So vielfältig und schön, ich könnte mich jetzt auch nicht auf einen Favoriten festlegen. Habe letztens schon Deinen Twins bewundert. Einfach toll.

trisha too said...

These are all wonderful atcs! What a great swap that's going to be!


I'm looking forward to the movie, too--thank you for stopping by!

Nicecrane Designs said...

Awesome,,,,,,,love all them,,,, really i love these colorured cards,,,,,,congrautlations

Silvia(Barnie) said...

Klasse ATCs... ich hab auch soviele Alice-Stempel, da könnte ich glatt bis zum Jahresende werkeln ;)

Unknown said...

These are great, and I love the colors you used!

*jean* said...


Lorraine said...

These are great. I'm noticing lots of AIW themes on blogs these days - will have to take this theme and go with it....

Laura Haviland said...

Oh Marion these atc are wonderful, I truly adore Alice in Wonderland.
Not long to the new movie is released,I can't wait.
I love visiting your blog and your art work always gives me such a creative thrill....
Your amazing and so talented.
Such funky fun ideas,love the colors too.
Hugs Laura.
Happy Friday, my friend. xoxx

Amy said...

Your atc's are wonderful.. I like them all.