"Wheels" is this week´s
Three Muses challenge - and this bird may have chosen wheels as his medium of transportation as he doesn´t trust his metal wings ... so what about his ability to sing? Those German words mean "Sing me a song", but I fear that the bird´s crazy look says "Singing? what are you talking about?"
The card is 4 x 6, machine and bird by Oxford Impressions.
Klasse, grfällt mir total gut!
Marion, I LOVE your mechanical bird. He is fantastic and your picture is so creative, clever and beautiful. Wonderful artwork, as always.
Splendid piece, Marion!
What a splendid mode of transport. Love it! xx
What a fun card! Your mechanical bird has attitude, and made me smile. Thank you so much for bringing him to our challenge this week!
bin begeistert
Wonderful piece Marion, LOVE it!!
love, love, love your art, marion!
Wow, what a fun card Marion, and what a clever bird to have wheels for when he's tired of flying. Brilliant.
Great steampunk-bird, Marion. Lovely card.
This is great. Love it.
This is really good. Very unique and that's hard to do.
Hi Marion!
It's been too long since I let you know I was here ;) This bird on wheels is lovely!!
Your card looks really great, congratulations. I just started to create card art. I am painting through synesthesia which makes me see colors when I hear names and numbers. These colors I transform in paintings. Colors are my life.
SO Cool Marion! Great details and I have to say your command is English is brilliant too!
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