I promised to make more Postage People ATCs, and here they are! Did you ever wonder why James Stewart almost always played "good" characters? And if you already made postage people yourself, did you try postage buildings, too? In my sample, a church in vienna was topped by another church in Dortmund. And isn´t it surprising how modern the guy in front of the church looks - though he´s been painted by Albrecht Dürer in beginning of the 16th century!
Your postage people are very well done. I've made many in the past as well but ours definitely each have their own style from each other.
LOVE your postage people! I want to try this too! I'll place it the bottom of my L-O-N-G list! LOL!
deine postage people bewundere ich immer wieder. wo findest du nur all die schönen briefmarken und passenden unterteile?
lg birgit
Einfach grandios, liebe Marion!
Darin bist Du unschlagbar.......
I always loved the idea of these and yours are just wonderful.
I love your art and have been following your blog (like forever) (so to speak)I love your postage stamp people, but I can not find where to buy "faces/heads stamps in USA, I live in USA.anyway, can you give me any tips where to find stamps similar to what you use? I will not copy your art (nor could I) because you have a certain style, which is yours alone. I just love what you do with these stamps, and would like to use the stamps for my own enjoyment, or cards that I send to family and friends. Thanks in advance. Bonnie ....in central Wisconsin
Bonnie, if you e-mail me your snail mail address (see the link in the sidebar), I´ll send you a little bag with appropriate stamps. I´ve received mine on swap return envelopes over the years, or as ephemera with swaps, or have bought them at the department store. You have some very nice stamps with movie stars etc. in the U. S. that I have often used.
Oh mein Gott, deine Postage People sind der Hammer!!! Bin total begeistert, wie kreativ du die Briefmarken eingesetzt hast. Ich habs auch schon ein paar mal probiert und weiß daher wie schwer es ist, was passendes zu finden.
Hut ab!
Lieben Dank für deinen Besuch auf meinem Blog.
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