
Sunday, October 09, 2016

Want Mail? Come Celebrate!

On October 8, 2006, I started this blog with a couple of posts, and yes, that was 10 years ago! In the meantime, I have changed, and that is why my blog has changed - I´ve learned new techniques and learned getting better in those techniques I already used back then - but all in all, the journey just continued. My blog never changed its name or place, and it has always been there for me to post whatever I wanted to share, to come back to older posts for reference, to use it as a gallery for photos, ATCs, cards, collages and other projects, and last but not least, to stay in contact with my art friends all over the world with my annual blog swaps.
So today it´s time to say thank you to my blog readers with a little giveaway! I will send the two postcards above to two winners that I´ll draw next weekend. Just leave a comment here and tell me if you´d like to win the Halloween card or the Zetti card, and maybe something that you´ve always wanted to tell me (but that´s not necessary at all). I´ll draw a winner on Saturday, Oct 15, and will contact you if you´re a winner. Good luck and thanks to all of you!


Rosie said...

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum 10-jährigen Blogjubiläum, liebe Marion. Ich bin eine große Bewunderin Deiner Künstwerke.

Würde mich über ein Zetti-Werk sehr freuen, falls ich gewinne.

Schönen Sonntag noch

Kluane1913 said...

Congratulations on your blog-iversary! :)

Both are lovely cards, but I would love to win your Zetti card. She would make a fine bookmark for my stack of poetry! :)

Happy creating! Happy Blogging!


Lululiz said...

Congratulations, 10 years, wow, thats amazing! I love your annual ATC swaps, they get me actually doing something rather than just thinking about doing something. Which card would I love to win? Difficult decision, but perhaps the Zetti card, because I have to admit that I have no idea what Zetti is....... xx

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your 10 Year Anniversary! The thing that I would like to tell you is that I admire your creativity so very much. I do not always comment, but I always stop by here or Facebook to see what your amazing mind has come up with. It is one of the joys of my life. :) I adore both witches and Zetti style, so it would be difficult to choose. So if I am lucky enough to win, I will let you decide. Thank you for the opportunity. Hugs, Tamara

Anonymous said...

Herzliche Glückwünsche zum 10.BLOG-Jubiläum! Und DANKE für die Inspiration und den Schwung, den deine Beiträge mir geben :) Alles Liebe Judith XXX (und ich liebe die Halloween-Karte)

Edzellinni aka Linda Edkins Wyatt said...

Congratulations on 10 yrs of blogging! Makes me want to check my own anniv date. Love both cards but especially the zetti. Love all your work too

ginag said...

Hi Marion,
Just came across your blog! HAPPY 10 YEARS OF FABULOUS ART!
Love both pieces, but the witches have caught my eye.
I will keep my fingers crossed hoping I am a lucky winner of your art!
Your art friend,

craftyM said...

Happy 10th Marion! I love seeing your art! It makes me happy! Oct 15th is my wedding annuversary, so I would be delighted to win and honored to have any piece of your artwork! Thank you!

craftyM said...

Happy 10th Marion! I love seeing your art! It makes me happy! Oct 15th is my wedding annuversary, so I would be delighted to win and honored to have any piece of your artwork! Thank you!

johanna said...

oh, ein blog Geburtstag, wie schön! gratuliere, liebe Marion, und ich hoffe, du wanderst nicht auch nach Facebook etc ab wie so viele andere. ich bin zwar in letzter zeit auch seltener am bloggen, aber ich werde dran bleiben!
sollte ich gewinnen, würde ich mich über die halloweenkarte freuen.
alles liebe, Johanna

PS: ich hab schon mal dran gedacht, kurz nach west Virginia zu ziehen, damit das elend ein ende hat;) hab´s dann doch nicht geschafft...

Sabine said...

Ich habe in 10 Jahren keinen einzigen Blogpost verpaßt, dabei allerdings meist nur telefonisch kommentiert. Da die Familie von der Verlosung nicht ausgeschlossen wurde, würde ich mich über eine der beiden Karten sehr freuen!