
Thursday, April 30, 2020


There isn´t much good news nowadays, but Mischief Circus' new collab "Enchanted Forest" was a little ray of light this week. This digital collage was made with Songbirdy´s part.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Raven

For this week´s Sunday Postcard Art challenge, my sister Sabine has picked the theme "Typewriter", and though I don´t know if Edgar Allan Poe has written his famous poem "The Raven" by hand or with the help of a typewriter, this is what came to my mind tonight. If you know my usual kind of artwork, you might be surprised by the lack of colour, but maybe that´s not only what a typewriter is able to produce but also my current mood ...
(I´ve used rubber stamps from Red Lead, Visible Image, Hero Arts and My Favourite Things for my card.)

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Sometimes it just takes an interesting theme to let your mind explode with ideas - and that happened when I´ve read "lightbulbs" as the theme for an ATC swap. I knew that I have several bulb stamps in my stash as well as bulb shaped brads, and so these four ATCs came together quickly.
(For those of you who don´t speak German, here´s what the German words mean:
"Everything is Illuminated", the title of a book from Jonathan Safran Foer, "It dawns on me!", "Lights out, spot on!", a phrase that a German music show moderator always used back in the 70s)

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Theatre - what´s on your stage?

Right now, we can´t go to the theatre because of that Corona, but that our imagination is able to put on stage whatever we want ... "An honest tale speeds best being plainly told" says Shakespeare´s Richard III., and for this week´s Sunday Postcard Art challenge, I want to see what´s on YOUR stage.
(For my card, I´ve used rubber stamps from Character Constructions, Zettiology, and 100 Proof Press.)

Sunday, April 05, 2020


What is good poetry? Why do you love a poem and don´t feel anything when you read another one? That´s a personal question, and this is a personal post.
Sunday Postcard Art asks for our favourite poem this week, and as I studied German literature and wrote down my favourite poems and quotes for more than 40 years now, I don´t have just ONE favourite poem. But in every moment of life, there´s one poem that speaks to you, and there are always words that make you think and maybe cry.
One thing that makes a poem a great poem is that it´s "ambiguous", which means that you can read and understand it from more than just one perspective. That´s one of the reasons why I picked Gottfried Benn´s poem today - if you carry thoughts about a lover you´ve lost, it speaks to you, but if you know that this poem´s title is "Mother", your thoughts will take another direction - and that´s what makes it perfect for this challenge.
Benn was a German poet and physician, and many of his poems are disturbing, but this one goes right to my heart. It´s not easy to translate because a lot of it gets lost, but here´s a simple translation: I carry you like a wound that doesn´t heal. It does not always hurt. And the heart does not die for this reason. Only sometimes I´m blind and feel blood in my mouth.

What I love about rubber stamping is that there are always some suitable stamps even for the hardest challenges - in this case I´ve used stamps from PaperArty, Visible Images, and AALL&Create.

In loving memory.