
Sunday, August 25, 2024

Alphabet Man

Alphabet is this week´s theme for the Sunday Postcard Art challenge. Here´s my Alphabet Man who can´t live without reading as it´s as important as eating and sleeping. I agree.

Sunday, August 18, 2024


For this week´s Sunday Postcard Art challenge theme "Steampunk Animals" I went with a simple design to let the lightbulb fly and the text stand for themselves. 

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Calling Elvis

Do you know Dire Straits`"Calling Elvis" from 1991? It´s just one tribute to Elvis among lots of them. Another celebration is U2´s visit to Graceland in their film "Rattle and Hum". Elvis Presley (1935-1977) is also known as "The King" and has been one of the most important rock singers of all times, but as I´m a late boomer and he wasn´t really hot when I was young, he has never been right in my focus. Of course I understood that his voice was extraordinary and expressive, and that fact asked for my respect, I just wasn´t a fan.

But of course I´ve had some favourite songs from him, like "In the ghetto". I´ve also read a good quote from him "It ain´t a song until you sing it" (1956) that I really like. 

Last week I´ve seen a documentation about seduction on ARTE, and of course there was a short passage about Elvis who brought black music to the masses very early and was hated for this, but it´s something very important for his time, and his anti-racist attitude is something that makes him much more interesting in my eyes. 

I think it´s impossible to not like or dislike him, whatever you want. What is YOUR personal Elvis story? 

For this week´s Sunday Postcard Art challenge themed Elvis, I´d like to see your Elvis cards and read your personal feelings about him. 

Sunday, August 04, 2024


This week my sister Sabine is hosting the Sunday Postcard Art challenge, and she picked "Mushrooms" as her theme.

Here´s my card using stamps from Carabelle.