
Saturday, July 19, 2008


My entry in Stefanie´s Altered Book themed "Darkness" illustrates lyrics by Peter Gabriel:
"The deeper I go, the darker it gets/ I peer through the window/ knock at the door/ and the monster I was/ so afraid of/ lies curled up on the floor./ When I allow it to be/ it has no control over me./ I own my fear/ so it doesn´t own me."
I love that song and believe that there´s much truth in it: what you fear is in your head.
The German words on the left page say: digging deeper, deeper and deeper, in the dark depth. If your mind feels dark you´ll dig deeper and deeper, and maybe that´s necessary to find the way to the light again.


Anonymous said...

Ein toller Eintrag!

johanna said...

gott, ist das schööööön!!! sehr beeindruckend!

Sanja said...


ute said...

die Stimmung hast du sehr gut eingefangen, wirkt richtig schön düster,

Unknown said...

Cette double page est magnifique, quel joli travail!!!!!! bravo