
Monday, July 21, 2008

Who let the dogs out?

I´ve never had a dog myself but have so often heard that dogs are real friends in good times as well as in bad times. This lady seems to be quite unhappy, and her friend no. 1 does all he can do to cheer her up ...
"Who let the dogs out?" is this week´s theme for the Sunday Postcard Art challenge, and here´s my 4 x 6 postcard. The song in the background is an old German folksong from the 18th century called "True Friendship".


Mandy Chilvers said...

fantastic Marion... hope to see you coming back for more postcards :-) thanx for joining in

DMG said...

He certainly doing his doggonedest! Sorry I couldn't stop myself.

Daffie Online said...

Love the explanation that comes with the card, and of course the card itself as well! Great job!

Anonymous said...

Da stimmt einfach alles! Gefällt mir total gut!!

ute said...

deine Ideen und Umsetzungen sind wie gewohnt ;-) genial und ich habe wieder was Neues gelernt, das Lied kannte ich nicht

Unknown said...

J'aime vraiment beaucoup !!

Karen Owen said...

This is great! I'm a dog lover, so how could I not love it?

Anonymous said...

This is too cool. We have a toy poodle and he is just like another child, lol. Just so you know that song('who let the dogs out') is going through my head, lol.

Lorri said...

woof woof woof Love it!