Here´s my Letter Z spread for my Alphabet Discovery Book - of course I´ve used Zettis! And that´s a good moment to announce my annual ATC blog swap. This time the theme will be Zetti. That means that you can use Zettiology stamps or collage images, or you can make something zetti-style yourself (you know what that is: bright colours, stripes in black and white, weird and odd stuff). Sign up by commenting here or email me, make three ATCs and send them to me until August 15.
wenn du magst, dann würde ich sagen: da simmer dabei.........
Oooo...this should be a fun swap!... I'm in Marion. Thanx for inviting me.
Ist ja wohl klar, daß ich dabei sein möchte?
und ich möchte auch unbedingt dabei sein!
HI Marion,
I would love to do this swap. I hope you will send a reminder e-mail closer to the deadline.
Please, count me in! :) This will be a great one!
Zetti-Hugs, Tamara
I would love to join up!!! Just point me to the specifics!!!
jaaaaaa, da möchte ich auch wieder mitmachen, freue mich schon drauf
Hi Marion,
I would like to try this also.
Happy days,
Please count me in!!! Your so very cool ATC giveaway card came in the mail today, thanks so much !!! I love it! The weimaraner on one of the Moo's you sent looks just like my Riley! Very cool!
Sounds grand Marion. Count me in. I sent you an email
I am very exciting about joining in this fun swap! Thank you
~*~ Patty
Marion, I would love to do this.
I just completed my first atc for your swap tonight.
I will post it on my blog tommorow.
Please add me to your list for the swap.
This is an excellent fun swap, Zetti is the coolest. YES !!!
Hugs, Laura.
I will get mine away quickley, will take awhile to arrive snail mail?
Oh wennich darf, wäre ich auch gern dabei.
I love to swap, I love Zetti ;), I love your blog and your art....
I'm in!!
oki doki ... ich wage es dann mal und bin auch gerne dabei! :-)
außerdem habe ich gestern einen dicken brief von sabine mit gaaanz vielen zetti-abdrücken bekommen. *froi* - und da werde ich mit sicherheit was finden! :-)
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