Here´s my monthly skinny page, this time for Lorraine. I´ve tried hard to do something less negative but failed ...
So here you can find some favourite verses of Russian poet Anna Achmatova (1889-1966). I thought that the mysterious look of Botticelli´s Simonetta Vespucci fits perfectly with these words.
Oh my gosh ... this is just too good for words :))
Das sieht mal wieder echt grandios aus, liebe Marion! Super gemacht.
This page is beautiful and sad, mostly beautiful.
wundervolle Umsetzung des schönen Gedichts, gefällt mir sehr
Marion this is so clever and an artful piece. I love it !!!
I enjoy your imagination so much.
Have an amazing weekend.
Big Hugs, Laura. xoxx
Fabulous! So imaginative. Kate
Marion, this is gorgeous.
Cindy :)
LOVE this - I just always swoon around open minded people like you !!! :0)
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