
Sunday, February 09, 2025


When I read this week´s theme for the Sunday Postcard Art challenge is Grunge, two things came to my mind: Grunge music from the ninetees (which I still love) and grunge stamping techniques (that I also love as a messy stamper). So I decided to combine them, and here´s the result, a tribute card to Kurt Cobain from Nirvana. Smells like Teen Spirit is still on my playlist, and if you look closely, you´ll spy the words "große Wut in sich aufsteigen ... schmeißen möchten" and "etwas abgespannt" on the book page scraps which mean a big rage coming up and wanting to throw something anywhere and feeling exhausted. It´s like found poetry as these have been on my desk waiting for this theme, they seemed so appropriate. 

The stamps I´ve used are from Stempelbar and Visible Image.


Deann said...

I love your excellent card, Great job.

Michele said...

this piece is perfection, i love it. xo

katrin said...

Boaaaah - was für eine Hommage! Ich glaube, das Motiv muss ich mir dann doch noch zulegen... 😉
Einen schönen Sonntag für dich &
liebe Grüße

Gillena Cox said...

great response to the prompt


Rika said...

Tolle Karte!

Anne said...


Aimeslee Winans said...

This is perfect! Love the grunge and Nirvana, xoxo

peggy gatto said...

Awesome idea!!!